Have a heart-to-heart
with your cardiologist
If you’ve been diagnosed with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), complete your SVT Impact Profile below to discuss with your cardiologist. If you haven’t seen a cardiologist yet, talk with your healthcare provider about seeing one.

Answer the following 12 questions about the impact SVT has on your life—both during and between episodes.
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Your SVT Impact Profile is below.
How long ago was your most recent episode?
- Within the last month
- 1-3 months ago
- 3-6 months ago
- 6-12 months ago
- 1-2 years ago
- More than 2 years ago
Think about your last SVT episode that was very concerning to you.
How long ago was that episode?
- Within the last month
- 1-3 months ago
- 3-6 months ago
- 6-12 months ago
- 1-2 years ago
- More than 2 years ago
Think about your last SVT episode that was very concerning to you.
What aspects of the episode were concerning to you?
- Symptoms
- Length
- How much it interfered with something I was doing
- Going to the emergency department
- Figuring out what to do in the moment
Think about your last SVT episode that was very concerning to you.
During the episode, my symptoms included:
- Palpitations
- Anxiety or panic
- Chest pressure or pain
- Shortness of breath
- Sudden exhaustion
- Fainting or passing out
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Sweating
- Other
Think about your last SVT episode that was very concerning to you.
After the episode, I felt:
- Physically exhausted
- Emotionally drained
- Anxious about when it would happen again
- Side effects from medication
- I recovered without any problems

- Exercising
- Sleeping
- Traveling/driving
- Social gatherings
- Shopping
- Household chores like cooking or cleaning
- Performing my job/going to class
- I haven’t had to modify or restrict any activities
- Making certain future plans
- Other
- My significant other
- My children
- My friends
- My colleagues
- I haven’t had to modify any relationships
- I felt confident that I was getting the right care in the right moment
- I felt like my symptoms were downplayed or dismissed
- I was given a treatment that led to unpleasant side effects
- It was time-consuming
- It was expensive
- I have not gone to an emergency department or urgent care for an SVT episode in the past 2 years
- I chose not to go to an emergency department or urgent care even though I was having an episode
- Satisfied, because it stops my episodes without side effects
- Dissatisfied, because it takes too long to work and/or it doesn’t stop my episodes
- Somewhat satisfied, because it stops my episodes but I experience side effects
- I haven’t been prescribed a pill for SVT
- Yes
- No
- I’m not sure

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